Cleveland Elementary school’s grades K-1 are invited to join our after-school program at your school for 10 weeks starting in January-March 2025. Gr. K-1 Little Brains-Tuesdays 2:50-3:50 pm. Registration December 16th, 2024. BrainSTEM Learning: Fall-Little Brains-Robotics Engineering Lv. 1 & 2 (10 weeks) (Grades K-1: co-ed, Students: 5 min.- 12 Max. Enrolment) Dates: Tuesdays, Class: 2:50-3:50, Library, Jan 7, 14, 21, 28, Feb 4, 11, 18, 25, Mar 4, 11 (ED 1:50-2:50pm) Cost: $353.80 + 5% GST or $35.38+5% GST/1 hr for 10 sessions (Materials, Instruction, and School District Library facilities rental included.) Description: Robotics Engineering Lv. 1 & 2 (NEW VEX 123 ROBOTS AND SOFTWARE) Robotics is the science or study of the technology associated with the design, fabrication, programming and application of robots. The robots are something exciting for the little kids, they always have the curiosity to know how it works and find a lot of designs for a robot not to mention applications. A robotics engineer is responsible for design, creating and programming robots and robotic systems that can perform duties that humans are either unable or prefer not to complete. They help to make jobs safer, easier, and more efficient, particularly in the manufacturing industry. The little brains will discover what is behind a robot, the design possibilities, the materials, mechanical simple machines used to build, what software is, and the programming languages used to create the robot instructions. Under the STEM Education programs, the leadership of our instructors and assistants, students use the VEX 123 hardware and GUI programming languages on computers to build their robotic animals, machines, and toys. They will code the algorithms to make their robots function and innovate by improving their programs or physical robot design.